Setting Up a Web-based File Server

You can set up a local web server to use as a file server in a cloud environment. You can then set up logical folders on that file server. The file server and logical folders are used with various CloudSuite Business activities, such as EDI or EFT, where physical files must be transferred between the cloud and your local web server.


  • Set up a local web server. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) must be installed on the server. The server must be able to communicate with external sites, including the Infor Cloud server. The server must be secured.
  • Log into the Infor Support Portal site and search for KB 1957632.
  • Download the file from the KB article to your local web server.

Follow these steps to configure the file server and logical folders:

  1. Configure the web service file:
    1. Unzip the file into a folder on the local web server, for example C:\Installs\MGFileTransferService. These files are extracted:
      • bin folder
      • MGFileTransferService.svc
      • Web.config
      • Web.Release.config
    2. Edit the web.config file with connection information for the web server.
          <add key="AuthenticationType" value="basic"/>
          <add key="UserName" value="username"/>
          <add key="Password" value="password"/>
          <add key="AuthenticationKey" value="thisismykey"/>
          <add key="RootPath" value="~/WebFolder/"/>

      Under the <appsettings> element, specify this information:

      Use the detault value of basic.
      Note: If an additional level of security is required, you can modify the web service to use integrated windows authentication with impersonation. Contact your Infor representative for more information.
      UserName and Password
      Specify a user and password. This should be a user who is defined with administrative permissions on the local server.
      Specify a key of your choice, for example FSKey. This value will be used later.
      Leave this value as-is. It will be used later.
  2. Set up the web service application in IIS:
    1. In the Connections pane of IIS, expand the server and the Sites folder, right-click on Default Web Site and select Add Application.
    2. Specify this information about the web service application:
      Specify MGFileTransferService.
      Physical Path
      Specify the path to the folder where you unzipped the service file, for example C:\Installs\MGFileTransferService.
    3. Click Connect As and select Specific User and click Set. Specify the user and password that the service will use to connect to the web service application. This should be the same administrative user that you specified in the web.config file.
    4. In IIS, right-click on the new application and select Add Virtual Directory.
      Specify this information:
      Specify the Root Path that was defined in the web.config file, for example WebFolder.
      Physical Path
      Browse and select the path to the folder on this server that you will use for file uploads and downloads from CloudSuite Business, for example c:\webfolder.
    5. Click Connect As and select Specific User and click Set. Specify the user and password that the service will use to connect to CloudSuite Business. This should be the same administrative user that you specified earlier.
    6. Restart IIS on this server.
  3. Add a file server of type Mongoose Web Service:
    1. In CloudSuite Business, open the File Servers form.
    2. Add a new file server. Specify this information:
      Server Name
      Specify a name, for example WebServer.
      Server Type
      Select Mongoose Web Service.
      Specify the web domain that the service is installed in, for example
      Shared/Ftp Path
      Specify the full path to the service, for example http://port/MGFileTransferService/MGFileTransferService.svc
      User ID and Password
      Specify the user ID and password that you specified for the web service application created in IIS.
    3. Click Additional Properties and specify this information:
      Specify ws_authentication_key.
      Specify the Authentication Key that you used in the web.config file. Encrypt the key if desired.
    4. Click Validate to verify that the connection works.
    5. Save your changes.
    6. Click Activate.
  4. Add and configure logical folders for the file server/
    Use the File Server Logical Folders form to add and activate the logical folders that you will use to import files to, and export from, the local web server. These logical folders must be set to reside on the WebServer file server.

    You must also set up group or user authorizations to access the logical folders for the appropriate areas of the system.

    See Configuring Logical Folders.