Working with the Ship To tab for Sales Orders and Quotes

The Ship To tab displays associated shipping information.

To view:

  1. Open the Sales Order or Quote Detail view and select the Ship To tab. If the tab is not visible, click More Tabs.
  2. View or edit this information:
    Ship To
    The ship to record associated with the sales order or quote. Select the Ship To tab to open the associated Ship To detail view.
    • To change the ship to address, select the Ship To tab and click (Find) to find the associated ship to record.
    • Infor CRM Back Office Extension only. To add a new ship to record click (Add Ship to).
      Note: You can only add Ship To information if:
      • The associated account has been successfully promoted
      • The sales order has not yet shipped or invoiced
      • The quote has not expired or been converted to a sales order
    The address type selected for shipping. Select a value from the list.
    The salutation to use for mailed correspondence.
    Ship To address or location.
    Click Closed (Edit), to open the Edit Address window. To view a map of the address, click Closed (Map). If Contour integration is enabled and configured a map using the Contour provider is opened. If a provider is not configured then the address opens in MapQuest.
    Note:  Depending upon the implementation you may not be able to edit address information.
    Early Shipment Allowed
    Select if the associated products can be shipped before the expected ship date.
    Partial Ship Allowed
    Select if the associated products can be shipped separately as products are ready to ship.
    Drop Shipment Allowed

    Select if the associated products can be shipped directly from the manufacturer or another provider.

    The carrier to use for delivering the sales order. Click (Find) to find the appropriate carrier.
  3. Click (Save).
  4. Depending upon the implementation, you may need to promote the ship to.
    If the Sync Status is Changes Pending, then in the Task Pane, click Promote. Otherwise, no action is required.