Activity Confirmations

Activity confirmations notify you of activities where you are a member or the leader. You are notified when another user adds you as a member or leader to an activity or when an activity that you are a member of is updated or deleted. If you are added as a member, you must confirm or decline the activity. If you schedule an activity with other members, you receive a notification when a member confirms or declines the activity.

Use the Confirmations tab on the Activity List view to view and manage your activity confirmations. If you have set the Alerts options to include confirmations, then you will receive an Alert when another user adds you to an activity.

The different types of activity notifications are:

Type Description
Changed The activity has been updated.
Confirmed A member of an activity you scheduled has confirmed the activity notification.
Declined A member of an activity you scheduled has declined the activity notification.
Deleted Notification that an activity you are a member of was deleted.
Leader An activity has been scheduled with you as the leader.
New An activity has been scheduled with you as a member.

On this page you can:

  • Open a confirmation
  • Accept or decline an activity
  • View a confirmation without deleting it
  • Delete a confirmation
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