White Labeling Overview

Birst provides interfaces and APIs to facilitate rebranding and reselling the Birst products.

There are different ways to leverage Birst analytics in your products.

White Labeling: Resell a Birst Appliance, or use it to host your customer's cloud analytics. Brand it with your logo. Brand reports and dashboards with your logo, images, and colors. Apply user-level features in a user profile to customize logos, copyrights, logout screens, etc. Specify profiles using web service APIs.

This information covers common white labeling scenarios.

Embedding: Embed responsive Birst reports and dashboards in your parent application or portal using single sign-on (SSO) and JavaScript APIs.

See Embedding and Single Sign-On.

Rebranding the Birst Application

You can change colors, logos, and other elements of the Birst application.

To change overall branding for all users

Create a new web services user profile with SetProfileProperty settings for your web pages and image files. Use LinkProfileToAccount to assign it to all users in the account. See User Profiles and Example User Profiles Code.

To change overall branding for individual users

There are different ways to change branding for individual users.

  • Create a new web services user profile with different SetProfileProperty settings. Use LinkProfileToUsers to assign it to one or more users. See User Profiles.
  • Each user can change their logo and header color settings in User - Settings - Modify Look and Feel.
    Tip: If a user has been assigned to a user profile, changes in the Modify Look and Feel settings will not take effect.
  • If you are embedding Birst in another application, use SSO parameters to dynamically change user settings at login. See Setting Up Single Sign-On and SSO Parameters.

To change branding for a space

Go to Admin - Manage Space - Modify Properties. Upload a new logo, and change the header colors. Click Save.

The new logo and header colors apply to the top navigation bar, and to the Main Menu in Visualizer and Dashboards 2.0.

Tip: These space-level settings override the user profile settings.

To change branding for Dashboards 2.0 dashboards

Create a new theme with your corporate standards and apply it to dashboards. See Applying Themes to Dashboards.

Each dashlet has color properties that can override the theme properties. See Creating Dashboards 2.0.

Each Visualizer report has a palette setting for its graphic elements such as lines and points. See Formatting Visualizer Charts.

Rebranding Embedded Dashboards and Reports

When you embed a Birst report or dashboard in your web application, you use the SSO parameters. See Setting Up Single Sign-On and SSO Parameters.

To hide the navigation bar and menu, use birst.embedded=true.

To assign a branded theme, use the SSO parameters birst.module=newDashboards and birst.themeName=My%20Awesome%20Theme.

Rebranding Help Files

There are different ways to rebrand the Help system.

  • Use the HELP_URL user profile property to point to your URL for help. See User Profiles.
  • Obtain the Birst Help source files, update their contents, and replace the Birst files. Contact Support to request the files and instructions for using them. The source files are in MadCap Flare 11+ format.
  • If you only need a subset of the Help, contact Support to request the topics in either HTML5, PDF, or Word format.
  • If you have an Appliance the HTML5 Help files are in the distribution and you can edit them directly.

Rebranding an Appliance

Appliance customers can change the logo and EULA of the Appliance Manager UI.

To change the Appliance logo and EULA, go to http://Appliance_IP:8080/SystemManager.aspx

In the Appliance Manager go to System Manager - Settings and upload new files.