User Profiles

User profiles provide a way of customizing the look and feel of Birst. Profiles are ideal for white-labeling projects, when you rebrand and resell Birst.

Profiles have properties that define standard customizations such as logos, icons, and texts. This fine-grained control gives users their own experiences on the same space. In addition, you can set the locale of each user to provide language-specific texts.

A account can have a default profile that applies to all users in the account. An individual user's profile overrides the account profile.

Account Administrators can create profiles, set their properties, and assign them to users.

You can dynamically change profiles at run time as well, using single sign-on properties for theme names and profile names. SSO overrides the profile properties set up for users or spaces.

Prerequisites for User Profiles

Before creating user profiles, you need:

Account Administrator credentials

The Birst Web Services product

An understanding of how to code SOAP web services

What You Can Set in a User Profile

You can customize various aspects of the interface as illustrated below.

User Profile APIs

The user profile APIs are part of the web service APIs. Access your release-specific web services documentation at:

Tip: Always check your release-specific WSDL for any potential updates to this information.

The essential methods are:

createProfile: Creates a profile with default options. Arguments are Login token and Profile Name.

linkProfileToAccount: Links a profile to an account. Arguments are Login token and profileID.

linkProfileToUsers: Links a profile to multiple users. Arguments are Login token and profileID.

setProfileProperty: Updates property in a profile. Arguments required are Login token, profileID and ProfileProperty. ProfileProperty includes the property name, value, and locale. Properties include:

HELP_URL: Full URL to a help system or page.

COPYRIGHT_TEXT: Text of a copyright statement. Does not include the version number.

LOGO_PATH: URL to a JPEG or PNG image file.

ERROR_URL: Full URL to an error message page.

TERMS_OF_SERVICE_URL: Full URL to a terms page.

PRIVACY_POLICY_URL: Full URL to a privacy page.

CONTACT_US_URL: Full URL to a contact page.

SECURITY_REPORTING_URL: Full URL to a security info page.

PAGE_TITLE: Title text shown in browser tabs.

SUPPORT_URL: Full URL to a product support page.

FAVICON_ICON: Full URL to a 16x16 or 32x32 .ico file.

LOGOUT_URL: Full URL to a login/logout page. This page has the login form for your system.

THEME_NAME: Name text of a Dashboards 2.0 theme.

Locale argument values include:

ar_SA: العربية (beta)

de_AT: Deutsch (Austria)

de_CH: Deutsch (Switzerland)

de_DE: Deutsch (Germany)

de_LU: Deutsch (Luxembourg)

en_AU: English (Australia)

en_BZ: English (Belize)

en_CA: English (Canada)

en_CB: English (Caribbean)

en_GB: English (United Kingdom)

en_IE: English (Ireland)

en_IN: English (India)

en_JM: English (Jamaica)

en_NZ: English (New Zealand)

en_PH: English (Phillippines)

en_TT: English (Trinidad)

en_US: English (United States)

en_ZA: English (South Africa)

fr_BE: Français (Belgium)

fr_CA: Français (Canada)

fr_CH: Français (Switzerland)

fr_FR: Français (France)

fr_LU: Français (Luxembourg)

it_IT: English_EU (beta)

ja_JP: 日本語 (Japan)

ko_KR: 한국어 (Korea)

pt_BR: Português (Brazil)

zh_CN: 中文 (China)

zh_SG: 中文 (Singapore)

See Example User Profiles Code.

Additional methods are:

listProfiles: Lists all the profiles for an account. Arguments are Login token and accountID.

getProfile:Gets information regarding a profile. Arguments are Login token and profileID.

getProfileDetails:Gets information regarding a profile with properties. Argumentsare Login token and profileID.

updateProfile: Update profile information. Arguments required are Login token and profileID.

deleteProfile: Delete the profile. Arguments required are Login token and profileID.

getProfilePropertyWithLocale: Gets a property value of profile. Arguments are Login token, profileID, and propertyName.

getProfileProperty: Gets a property value of profile. Arguments are Login token, profileID, and propertyName.

deleteLocaleValueInProfileProperty: Delete locale specific values from property in a profile. Arguments are Login token, profileID, propertyName, and locale.

unlinkProfileFromUsers: Unlinks a profile from multiple users. Arguments are Login token and profileID.

getUsersForProfile: Retrieves a list of usernames assigned to the profile. Argument is profileID.

getProfileForUser: Retrieves the profileID of a user. Argument is the username.

getUserProfileDetails: Retrieves profile and properties of the logged-in user (normally the Account Administrator). Argument is Login token.

getUserProfile: Retrieves the profile of the logged-in user (normally the Account Administrator). Argument is Login token.