Defining the Duration and Frequency of a Scheduled Task


Click the calendar icon to select a Start Date, and an End Date, during which the task is run. By default, today's date is set as the Start Date and End Date. The Start Date must be the same or earlier than the End Date.


Select whether the task should be run Daily, Weekly or Monthly. By default, the task is run Daily.


To specify a daily task, select one of these options:

  • Every Day: The task is run every day
  • Every Weekday: The task is run every weekday
  • Every x Days: The task runs, for example, every three days. Specify the number of days.


You can specify that a task executes on specific days of the week and that the task is executed every week or every N weeks.

To specify a weekly task:

  1. Select the days of the week on which the task will execute. For example, only Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
  2. Select a number in the Every x Weeks field to run the task on the selected days, every specified number of weeks. For example, run the task every 2 weeks, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.


You can specify that a task runs on a specific day number, or week number, of selected months. For example, run the task on the first day of every month, or run the task on the first Monday of every month.

To specify a monthly task:

  1. Select either:
    1. Day x to run the task on a specified day of every selected month. Specify the number of the day (1-31) on which the task is to run.
    2. Week of Month to run the Task on the first, second, third, or fourth week of every month. Select the day of the week. For example, run the task on the second Monday of every month.
  2. Select the months in which the task is to run. For example, run the task in on the second Monday of March, June, September, and December.


To specify the time at which the task will execute, click a time in the Time pane. At least one time must be selected. You can select multiple times.