Data Send to SunSystems SSC

Sending Data using SunSystems Connect requires you to have the appropriate permissions when posting the data.

DataLink Server enables you to automatically assign the SSC server you want to post to on each client machine. The default location is in the qaa.facade.config file within the client installation folder.

<add key="SSCUrl"value="http://SSCSeverName:8080/connect/soap/"></add>		

This key should be changed to add in the server name. If one is not specified, then you can still override the URL when you click OK to carry out the SSC Data Send.

To send data to your SSC:

  1. Create a user in SunSystems User Manager and assign the correct SSC Permissions to the users group which enables you to Create and Amend in SSC.
  2. Map your DataLink Server User ID to a valid SunSystems profile in DataLink Server Setup:
    1. Log on to DataLink Server Setup.
    2. Select the User Profiles section.
    3. Select the user profile to assign appropriate permissions to do a SSC Data Send and select to Edit the Profile.
    4. Select the User Details section and tick the option for User Security.
    5. Select the User ID lookup to map to a valid SunSystems profile.
  3. Ensure you use the same User ID and password as set in User Manager when prompted for SSC credentials in DataLink Server.