Constructing a Data Send Definition

You can use the options in the Data Send dialog box to construct a Data Send definition.

To construct a data send definition:

  1. Click Data Send in the Data Analysis group.
  2. Click the Product browse button to select a Product.
  3. Click Definition to highlight it, then click the Definition browse button to select a definition.
  4. Map the product fields to the fields in your worksheet according to the type of data send definition you are using.
  5. Optionally, specify a cell in your worksheet, to display error or comment messages.
  6. Optionally, click Matrix Send.
  7. Optionally, click Skip Blanks.
  8. Click the Options tab to save the data send definition.
  9. Optionally, specify the Transaction File.
  10. Optionally, save the data send definition as an Internal or External definition.
  11. Optionally, select Abort if error exists.
  12. Optionally, select Show Message.
  13. Optionally, select Send to SunSystems.
  14. Click OK to post your worksheet data to the product specified.