Replace values
Replacing values is similar to write back, but you can decide how to distribute values in a report according to a variety of rules.
- To replace values in data cells, ensure that write-back is enabled, then right-click the data cell and select .
- Select one of these methods:
- Weighted distribution
- Distributes the value to the base cells
according to their weights.
You can either select to overwrite, add an absolute amount, or add a percentage amount to the existing value. Depending on your selection, the appropriate field is enabled.
- Equal distribution
- Replaces the value of the target cell and
distributes the value equally to base cells.
You can either select to overwrite, add an absolute amount, or add a percentage amount to the existing value. Depending on your selection, the appropriate field is enabled.
Note: For the add percentage or add absolute fields in both Weighted distribution and Equal distribution, enter a value and press ENTER. The New value field calculates/shows you the new value. - To each leaf
- Assigns the value to each base cell.
Enter the value you want to distribute to each base cell in the New value field.
- Copy
- Copy full
- The Copy method copies the base cells from the
source cell to the target cell.
The Copy full method also copies calculated rules.
Specify the source area.
- Like
- Like full
- The like method splashes a new value to a
target cell with the same weight specified for the source cell.
You can either select to overwrite, add an absolute amount, or add a percentage amount to the existing value. Depending on your selection, the appropriate field is enabled.
The Copy full method also copies calculated values.
Note: For the add percentage or add absolute fields, enter a value and press ENTER. The New value field calculates/shows you the new value. Then, specify the source area. - Delete
- Deletes all values from the target cell.
- Source
- Here you specify the source cell used to change
the value in the target cell.
Note: This section is only active, when you use the methods Copy, Copy Full, Like, or Like Full.
- Target
- Here you can see the coordinates of the target cell (the cell from which you opened the Splasher dialog box). The operations to change the value apply to this cell. Changed values are distributed to the base elements according to the mode you select.