This formula returns the unique name of a child element which you specify with the Numeric Expression argument. In this formula, the Numeric Expression argument represents the distance of the required child element from its parent.


=MDX.GET(Database Alias, Cube, "Element Unique Name"&".Children.Item(n).UniqueName")

Where n is the distance of the required child from the specified element.
Note: The Numeric Expression argument is zero-based. That is, if, for example, there are three child elements, they are identified as 0,1 and 2.

Arguments to this function can be strings, or references to cells containing strings. If strings, they must be enclosed in quotes.


This example returns '[PRODUCT].[All Tires].[Car Tires All Season].[AS600 Aquachrono].[AS600/205]':

=MDX.GET(B3, B4, "[PRODUCT].[All Tires].[Car Tires All Season].[AS600 Aquachrono]"&".Children.Item(2).UniqueName")
Note: AS600/2005 is the third of three children of the AS600 Aquachrono element.