Attribute 1 in custom hierarchies

If you display a custom hierarchy in a ListView, Attribute 1 returns the same value as the Name attribute.

  1. In the Repository Explorer, open Accessories and expand Custom Hierarchies.
  2. Expand Olap Metadata and drag Alias into cell B5 of a report to create a hyperblock.
  3. Name the hyperblock Hyperblock.
  4. Click the hyperblock. In the List Designer, select a hierarchy in the Children of field (for example, Best Practices Templates > Analysis > Product > Product.
  5. In a spreadsheet cell, enter: =ReportObjects.Hyperblock.Attribute1.
    The cell displays: [Product].[All].
  6. In another cell, type:=ROA("","","Olap Meta Data","Name",B5)
    The cell displays:[Product].[All].