Coverage display options

To change how the coverage information is displayed, click the grid icon in the Coverage panel. The display options are displayed in a pop-up.

The default options for displaying the coverage information can be specified in Config mode.

Sorting the coverage by position, day part, or shift count

The options in the Display Coverage list determine how to sort the coverage information when the Coverage panel is expanded. When the By Position option is selected, the coverage information is sorted by team, then position, then day part. When the By Day Part option is selected, the coverage information is sorted by team, then day part, then position.

The By Shift Count option displays coverage by shift count, then position, then day part. Selecting the By Shift Count option disables the Display Time and Display Employee Count lists.

Including assigned or unassigned shifts

The options in the Include Shifts list are used to determine how many of the shifts in the schedule are currently assigned to employees. You can use these options to specify if shifts from assigned or unassigned rows are included in the coverage calculations. The All option includes both shifts on rows that are assigned to an employee and shifts on rows that are unassigned. The Assigned option only includes shifts on rows that are assigned to an employee. The Unassigned option only includes shifts on rows that are unassigned. Note that these options do not affect the number of shifts required, which is contained in the associated SRT.