Methods: AnalysisHierarchyLabels


Driver Type: DJI

Use this method for the bulk creation or amendment of an Analysis Hierarchy, or where performance is critical.

For further information, see Analysis Hierarchy Labels DJI User Guide.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of one or more analysis hierarchy labels to Closed.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of one or more analysis hierarchy labels to CreateAsDraft.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to create or amend one or more analysis hierarchy labels. An analysis hierarchy label and/or an analysis hierarchy code is created if it does not exist and amended if it does.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to remove one or more analysis hierarchy labels.

Примечание. All analysis hierarchy codes that may exist for the analysis hierarchy label are deleted.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of one or more analysis hierarchy labels to Hidden.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of one or more analysis hierarchy labels to Open.


Driver Type: Export

Use this method to obtain Analysis Hierarchy details or to extract Analysis Hierarchy data from SunSystems.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of one or more analysis hierarchy labels to Suspended/Held.