Checking Analysis Settings in SunSystems

This topic describes how to check the analysis settings. If you require further assistance, please consult your SunSystems system administrator.

Примечание. The examples described in this topic are taken from the PKP demonstration database and may differ from your settings. This is because the information displayed on a form can be changed to suit individual customers needs.

Account Settings

  • Log in to SunSystems.
  • Select Chart of Accounts (COA).
  • The «Chart of Accounts» form is displayed.

If not shown already, click on the «Transaction Analysis» tab to display the analysis settings for transaction analysis. The ten entries displayed, correspond directly to the <AnalysisCodenn> entries in the payload.

Analysis Settings

When running payloads you may get error messages relating to analysis dimension settings. You can determine these settings as follows:

  1. Log in to SunSystems.
  2. In the «Folder» pane, click the «Setting up SunSystems» entry, and then click the «Implementation Options» entry. This displays the various Analysis setup functions. There are a number of these and you may need to check several to determine the settings that are used by the SunSystems to ensure that your data is correct.
  3. Select Analysis Structure (ANS). The «Analysis Structure» form is displayed. Enter 901 into the «Analysable Entity Id» field and click «OK». The details for Ledger are displayed.

    The ten Analysis Dimension entries shown correspond directly to the <AnalysisCodenn> entries in the payload. Analysis Dimension 1 indicates that <AnalysisCode01> should only contain Product Analysis Codes. Similarly, Analysis Dimension 7 is set to Item Code so <AnalysisCode07> should only contain Item Analysis Codes. Analysis Dimensions 9 and 10 are empty and so <AnalysisCode09> and <AnalysisCode10> should be left blank. Your payload is rejected with an Analysis for this position not set up message if you specify a <AnalysisCodenn> in this case.

    Click «Exit» to return to SunSystems.

  4. Select Analysis Dimensions (AND). If, for example, Analysis Dimension 1 is set to Product, enter Product in the Analysis Dimension field and click «OK». The details for the Product Analysis Dimension are displayed.

    There are two fields that can lead to rejection errors in your payloads.

    The «Length» setting is used to control the length of allowable values in the <AnalysisCodenn> payload entries. If the payload value exceeds the Length setting then your payload is rejected and an error message, Analysis Code is too long. Analysis data not amended is displayed.

    The «Validated» setting is used to control whether or not the value in the <AnalysisCodenn> payload entry must already exist. If «Validated» is checked and your payload does not contain a value, an error message is displayed and analysis data is not amended. If «Validated» is not checked any payload value is accepted.