Methods: BudgetCheckSetup


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to amend the status of one or more budget checks to Closed.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to create or amend one or more budget checks. A budget check is created if it does not exist and amended if it does.

Remarque: You cannot use this method to amend the status of the budget check. Instead, use one of the Open, Hidden, SuspendedHeld or Closed methods.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to delete one or more budget checks.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to amend the status of one or more budget checks to Hidden.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to amend the status of one or more budget checks to Open.


Driver Type: Export

You can use this method to obtain budget check details or to extract budget check data from SunSystems.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to amend the status of one or more budget checks to Suspended/Held.