Order Reference

This report displays the percentage of the total order amount, and total number of order lines, linked to a contract, a sales order, a requisition, or a drop shipment for the specified period. In the filters, specify Currency scaling to scale the order amounts.

Click to filter the data as required.

Click to view the Detail report.

Detail Report

The first column of the report lists the items for which the Order Reference report is generated. Click , to select the dimension, such as by buyer, by supplier, by purchase office and by item. For example, if you select by buyer, the first column displays the buyer list. If you select by supplier, the first column displays the supplier list. If you select by purchase office, the first column displays the purchase office list. The Inventory Unit column is displayed only when you select the by item dimension.

The remaining columns displays the measure linked to the sales order, contract applicable but not used, contract used, requisition, RFQ, dropshipment and production order as an absolute value and as a percentage.