Ratio KPIs

This report displays a column chart with trend line, and a data table for each selected KPI.

Select a KPI from the KPI list. These are the Ratio KPIs:

  • Net value added ratio: Net profit/loss / Salary
  • Operating income to sales ratio: Operating income / Revenues
  • Ratio of salary to profit: Salary / Net profit/loss
  • Ratio of salary to revenue: Salary / Revenues
  • Selling expense to sales ratio: Selling expense / Revenues (not available for TCA)
  • Cost income ratio: Operating expense / Operating income
  • Current ratio: Current assets / Current liabilities
  • Acid test: (Current assets - Inventories) / Current liabilities
  • ROCE (Return on Capital Employed): Operating income / (Assets - Current liabilities).

For each KPI, its calculation is shown.

For each period, the chart displays a column for each element of the calculation. For example, for ROCE, the columns represent Operating income, Assets, and Current liabilities. The trend line represents the trend of the KPI.

In the data table, you can drill down to the values of each element of the calculation. For example, drill down on Assets to view Tangible Assets and Intangible Assets, etc.

To report on different, or further, periods, click Edit time settings in the table heading. The Time Settings dialog is displayed.

See: Time Settings.