Creating a form in the Web Designer

  1. Launch the Web Designer.
  2. In the Web Designer menu bar, click the New Form Definition icon.
    This icon looks like a document with a plus sign in the center. When you hover over it, the text “New Form Definition” displays.

    The New Form Definition form opens to the Form Wizard Selection page.

  3. Select the New Form option.
    For the procedure to create a form that is an extension of an existing form, see Creating a form by extension.
  4. From the Category drop-down list, select one of these options:
    • Classic - This option includes most of the standard Mongoose form types.
    • NewData - This option launches a wizard that allows you to create IDOs and tables, optionally along with a form.
      Note: This wizard is used to create only Multi View, Grid Only, or Detail Only forms.
  5. From the Wizard drop-down list, select the type of form you want to create.
  6. Click OK.
What happens from this point on depends on what type of form you are creating. Each type of form has its own wizard with its own procedure and its own topic.

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