About Warranty Claims

This topic describes warranty claims.

Depending on how the system is used, warranty claims are used for one of these reasons:

  • To request payment from a third party for work performed
  • To reimburse external partners for the work done on equipment, based on a pre-defined agreement given to the customer

An example of this process is work done on an automobile by a dealer. Upon completion of the work, instead of charging the customer, the dealer fills out a warranty claim that is then submitted to the manufacturer for payment.

You can set up Service Management to handle both sides of this process. You can process payments to the dealers through the Partner Reimbursement functionality. Submit the warranty claim to the manufacturer using the Bill To Override field on the Warranty Claims Submittal form.

There are also scenarios where warranty work can be intermingled with billable work on the same service order. For example, performing some type of an upgrade or preventative maintenance on an automobile while a warranty repair is being done. Service Management supports this use case by allowing the user to identify which operations should be billed to the customer versus those that need to be sent to the manufacturer.

Process Flow

  • If authorization is required of a reseller/customer before submitting a claim, the initial warranty requests from the reseller/customer come through an incident.
  • The user authorizes the warranty request by generating a service order or rejects the request by closing the incident. This process is automated using the Warranty Claims Authorizations form.
  • The reseller/customer is reimbursed using the Warranty Claims Reimbursements form, in conjunction with the Partner Reimbursements form.
  • After the work has been completed, the warranty claim can be invoiced to a third party using the Warranty Claims Workbench form. This form leverages the billing override functionality to allow the user to pick and choose which operations should be sent to the third party and which should be invoiced to the customer.
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