Designating Electronic Signature Authorizers

Use the Electronic Signature Authorizers form to designate which users have authority to electronically sign transactions.

To prevent the same user from being able to grant themselves electronic signing authority, multiple users are required to complete this process. The first user has access to the Users form and create the users, but does not have access to grant electronic signature authorization. The second user does not have access to create users, but can grant access to the electronic signature authorization through the Electronic Signatures Authorizers form.

  1. Create a user who has access to the Users form.

    Follow the steps in Assigning User IDs and Passwords.

  2. Remove access to Super User capabilities.
  3. Create a second user who does not have access to the Users form. This is the only user who can grant electronic signature rights.

    Again, follow the steps in Assigning User IDs and Passwords.

  4. Add the Electronic Signature Authorizers form to the list of User Authorizations for this user.
  5. Ensure that all users who have access to the Electronic Signature Authorizations form do not have access to the Users form.
  6. On the Electronic Signature Authorizations form, set the signature types for a user.
  7. Select the user for whom you want to set signature types. The user must have electronic signature authorization.
  8. In the Signature Type field, select the types of transactions the user can electronically sign.
  9. Save the record.
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