Searching for Knowledge Base Entries

To search for a knowledge base entry from the Incidents or Incident Queue Console forms, click Knowledge Base Search. This displays the Knowledge Base Query form, where you can search and filter for specific information in the Knowledge Base.

You can also use the Knowledge Base Keyword Search form to  find specific knowledge base information by specifying key words:

  1. In the Search field, select Any of these words, All of these words, or Exact phrase.
  2. To further refine the search, select which areas of the knowledge base to include: Keywords, Summary, Description, and Resolution.
  3. In the Category fields, select a general and then a more specific category, if appropriate.
  4. Refine the search by specifying the user who created or updated the entry, if you know that information.
  5. Type the text to search for, and click Search.
  6. Any matching entries display in the grid. Select an entry and click View to see the full entry displayed in the Knowledge Base form.
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