Script for Full-TextSearch Indexing

If you select Apply Script on the Full-Text Indexing form, a script is applied that creates some initial full-text indexes for the application.

These full-text search indexes are defined by the script:

Catalog Item Name Table Column Form Title Column Name Description Column Name
CustomerInternalEmail custaddr internal_email_addr Customers internal_email_addr name
CustomerName custaddr name Customers external_email_addr name
CustomerNum custaddr cust_num Customers cust_num name
CustomerState custaddr state Customers state name
CustomerZip custaddr zip Customers zip name
CustomerOrderContact customer contact##1 Customers contact##1 cust_num
CustomerOrderContactPhone customer phone##1 Customers phone##1 cust_num
CustomerCounty custaddr county Customers county name
CustomerAddress[1] custaddr addr##1 Customers addr##1 name
CustomerAddress[2] custaddr addr##2 Customers addr##2 name
CustomerAddress[3] custaddr addr##3 Customers addr##3 name
CustomerAddress[4] custaddr addr##4 Customers addr##4 name
CustomerBillingContact customer contact##3 Customers contact##3 cust_num
CustomerContactPhone customer phone##2 Customers phone##2 cust_num
CustomerCountry custaddr country Customers country name
CustomerBillingContactPhone customer phone##3 Customers phone##3 cust_num
CustomerContact customer contact##2 Customers contact##2 cust_num
EmployeeNum employee emp_num Employees emp_num name
EmployeeName employee name Employees name emp_num
EmployeeEmail employee email_addr Employees email_addr name
ItemOverview item overview Items description overview
ItemNum item item Items item description
ItemName item description Items description description
ProspectNum prospect prospect_id Prospects prospect_id company
ProspectCompany prospect company Prospects company prospect_id
VendorNum vendaddr vend_num Vendors vendaddr name
VendorName vendaddr name Vendors vendaddr vend_num
VendorZip vendaddr zip Vendors zip name
VendorState vendaddr state Vendors state name
VendorCounty vendaddr county Vendors county name
VendorCountry vendaddr country Vendors country name
VendorInternalEmail vendaddr internal_email_addr Vendors internal_email_addr name
VendorExternalEmail vendaddr external_email_addr Vendors external_email_addr name