Master Sites Designation

In a multi-site environment where there are many sites, large amounts of data, and many users, you may want to set up one site as the master site for an intranet. With this enhancement a database can be marked as the master site which holds information for all the child sites eliminating the need to replicate data across the network.
Note:  You must plan your multi-site structure carefully before setting up the shared tables. This requires in-depth understanding of the SQL databases, Service Management replication, and your corporate financial reporting requirements. Refer to the Multi-Site Planning and Replication Reference documents for more information.

Follow the steps in Setting Up All Sites on the Intranet and Setting Up the Master Site to set up the multi-site environment.

During processing, the system validates live link setup between the master site and the using sites of an intranet. If it finds a problem, an error message displays. If it finds a problem, an error message displays and nothing is processed; fix the link and then click Process again.

The Processed field indicates which tables have been processed. For example, if shared, they are now resident only in the master site's database. (Once a row on the form is marked as Processed, subsequent "Process" runs will not reprocess that row.)

After processing all the tables and sites, the system regenerates the replication triggers at the master site.

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