Deploying an application with the Deployment form

Once you have a deployable zip file created for an app using the Deployment form, you can then deploy that app in the environment where you want to use it.

Note: This procedure applies to zip files created using the Deployment form. As such, it can be used only in a web or cloud environment. To deploy a package that includes SQL scripts and that is intended to be deployed in an on-premise environment, see the online help for the Mongoose Deployment Scripting Utility.

To deploy the XML-scripted zip package:

  1. Copy the zip file to the machine that is to be used to deploy the app.
  2. Launch the Deployment form.
  3. In the Deploy Applet section, use the Source File field to specify the location of the zip file.
    You can use the ellipsis () button to navigate to and select the zip file.
    Note: The ellipsis button is not available in the web client or in a partial trust situation. However, you can still designate a path and filename for the imported files.
  4. Click Execute Scripts.
The system unzips all the script files and inserts them into the appropriate locations on the server that hosts the current session.

To verify that the zip file has been correctly deployed, you can:

  • Click View Log, and examine the output log for the operation.
  • Launch the IDO Projects form and verify that the imported IDO project displays in the list of IDO projects.
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