Manage menu- Page Access (permissions by role)

To take action on this menu, users must be assigned the following roles :
Tabs Role Actions
Analyses Administrator, System Manager, System Manager (SaaS)
  • View this page
  • Archive analyses
  • Delete analyses
  • Restore analyses
Auditor, General User View the page
Business Process Owner
  • Archive
  • Delete
  • Restore
  • View page
Reports Administrator, System Manager, System Manager (SaaS), Business Process Owner, Business Process Owner (SaaS), Connection Manager, General User
  • View the page
  • Run a report
  • Schedule a report
  • Duplicate reports
  • Create new reports
  • Share reports
Report Viewer
  • View the page
  • Duplicate reports
  • Create new reports
  • Share reports
Administrator, System Manager, System Manager (SaaS), Auditor, Business Process Owner, Business Process Owner (SaaS), General User, Connection Manager Delete reports
Auditor View the Page
Reports tab Administrator, System Manager, System Manager (SaaS), Auditor, Business Process Owner, Business Process Owner (SaaS), General User, Connection Manager
  • View the page
  • Run a report
  • Schedule a report
Report Viewer View the page
Schedules Administrator
  • View schedules
  • Schedule a new analysis, a new extraction, a new archive or a system downtime from either the calendar or grid views

System Manager

System Manager (SaaS)

  • Delete
  • New system downtime
  • Task Details Report
  • View page
Business Process Owner, Business Process Owner (SaaS)
  • Delete
  • New analysis
  • Stop task
  • Task details report
  • View page
Connection Manager
  • Schedule an analysis
  • Edit an analysis task
  • Perform a pre-analysis check
  • Schedule data extraction
  • Edit a data extraction task
  • Delete an extraction or analysis task
Tasks Administrator, DPO
  • View all tasks on this page
  • manage all tasks
System Manager, System Manager (SaaS)
  • Abort task
  • Task Details report
  • View page
Business Process Owner, Business Process Owner (SaaS)
  • Abort task
  • Task details report
  • View page
Auditor, Connection Manager View this page
Personal Data Protection Data Protection Officer (DPO)
  • View page
  • Collect data
  • Data anonymization
Rule Based Extraction Administrator
  • View schedules
  • schedule a new extraction

System Manager

System Manager (SaaS)

Delete or stop tasks
Connection Manager
  • Schedule data extraction
  • Edit a data extraction task
  • Delete an extraction
Upload Administrator, System Manager ( SaaS), Connection Manager
  • View
  • Take action on this page
Business Process Owner View page
Data Cleanup Administrator, System Manager, System Manager (SaaS), Connection Manager
  • View
  • Cleanup data
Business Process Owner View the page
Reset SAP Password Administrator, SAP Password Reset User
  • View the page
  • Reset password
What if Analysis Administrator, Business Process Owner, Business Process Owner (SaaS),
  • View the What-if home page
  • Create a new What-if analysis
  • Analyze the What-if
  • Live Verify
  • Generate a request from a What-if analysis
  • View the What-If home page
  • Create a new What-if analysis
  • View the page
Live Verify Access User
  • Live Verify
  • View the What-if home page
  • Create a new What-if analysis
  • View Dashboards
General User
  • View page
  • View history
  • Create a new what-If analysis
  • Analyze what if details
  • Generate request
Requests Administrator
  • View requests and request history
  • Create requests

Business Process Owner

Business Process Owner (SaaS)

  • View History
  • Create new request
  • View page
  • Approve request
  • Assign existing compensating control during request mitigation
  • Create new compensating control during request mitigation
General User
  • View history
  • Create new request
  • Approve request
  • Assign existing compensating control during request mitigation
  • Create new compensating control during request mitigation
Emergency Access Users
  • View history
  • Emergency access
  • View page
  • Approve requests
Request Approvers
  • View page
  • Approve requests
  • Assign existing compensating control during request mitigation
  • Create new compensating control during request mitigation
Auditor View requests and request history