Creating quick changes on budget scenarios

  1. Select Budgeting > Budget Scenarios.
  2. Select a budget scenario and select Quick Change.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a description for the change request.
    Specify the change request amount.
    Specify the currency.
    Units Amount
    Specify the budget changes for the units.
  4. To increase the budget amount or to add a new budget, specify the increase in the To Adjustment section.
  5. To decrease the budget amount, specify the decrease in the From Adjustment section.
    Note: If Balanced Amount Changes or Balanced Unit Changes is selected, both the To Adjustment and From Adjustment fields must be specified. To move the budget from one period or budget to another, specify both the To Adjustment and From Adjustment fields.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Select the Change Requests tab to view the change request record.
    If approval is enabled for the budget scenario, the change request status is Pending Approval. When the approval is complete, the status is Released.

    If approval is not enabled, the change request is automatically released and the status is Released.

  8. After the change request is released, the corresponding budget line is added. Click the Data tab to view the added budget line.
  9. Select the Change Detail History tab to view all of the change request lines that are released.