Updating offer letter templates

Administrators can update the description, category and paragraphs in offer letter templates. They can activate or deactivate offer letter templates.

  1. Select Talent Acquisition > Template Setup > Offer Letters With Paragraphs > Offer Letter Templates.
  2. Double-click an offer letter template. The menu shows the offer letter template settings, the names of any paragraphs that have been added to the offer letter template, and the content of each of these paragraphs. You can edit the fields except the offer letter template name.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Specify this information:
    If the organization uses categories, then specify a category that is used to organize offer letter templates.
    Select the check box to make the template available in the system. Clear the check box to make the template unavailable.
    Offer Paragraphs
    Specify the paragraphs in the offer letter template. See Adding offer letter paragraphs to offer letter templates.
  5. Click Save.