Creating absence plans

  1. Select Absence Management > Set Up > Plans and Components > Plans.
  2. Click New.
  3. Define the structure:
    Plan type
    Specify the plan type.
    Eligibility Group
    Specify the eligibility group. The eligibility group you select must have the subject HCMGroupAbsence.
  4. In the Details tab, specify this information:
    Accrual Option
    Select whether time is accrued based on hours, earnings, or both.
    If Earnings or Hours And Earnings is selected in Accrual option, select currency.
    Automatic Balance Transfer
    This field is used by the Transfer Plans By Accrual End Date action. It is part of the criteria that is used to determine the eligible Resource Plans that can be transferred From and To.
    • Include: This plan is eligible to Transfer From and Transfer To
    • Exclude: This plan is not eligible for either Transfer From or Transfer To
    • Transfer To Only: This plan is only eligible to Transfer To
    • Transfer From Only: This plan is only eligible to Transfer From
    Time Off
    Select this check box if time off requests are allowed for this plan. The Time Off Options tab is available.

    See Allowing time off requests.

    Compensatory Time Off
    Select this check box if compensatory time off requests are allowed for this plan. The Compensatory Options tab is available.

    See Allowing compensatory time off requests.

    Select this check box if employees, managers, and administrators are allowed to buy additional time off. Additional time off must be bought during a scheduled buy time off request period.

    See Allowing buy time off requests.

    Sell Available Or Carryover
    Select this check box if employees, managers, and administrators are allowed to sell time from their available hours/days or from carry over during a scheduled sell time off request period. Define valid request dates and set up minimum and maximum sell amounts.

    See Allowing sell time off requests.

    Exchange Available For Sell
    Select this check box if employees, managers, and administrators can sell time off and exchange available time for a default sell amount during a scheduled buy time off request period. Define valid request dates, default payouts, and set up minimum and minimum sell amounts.

    See Allowing exchange time off requests.

    Future Projected Balances
    Select this check box to view employee time projected to be earned in the future in this plan. This feature is available on the Future Projected Balances tab of the plan. This is time that could be used when requesting time off on specific dates. Employees, managers, and time administrators can also use this feature when creating time records. This feature is only for absence plans that do not use a service class in their calculations.
  5. Use the Balance Display Options section to set up display options for resources and managers.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Define balance notifications.
  8. Define time off requests.
  9. Define the plan rules.
    See Defining plan rules.
    • View the details of the Absence Plan setup including any related Rule, Table, Calculation and Formula detail. On the Rules tab, click the Plan Details button.
    • Create balance notifications for resources and their managers when plan balances are reaching certain thresholds. Select Utilities > Create Balance Notifications.