About Source and Target Configuration Selection

Synchronization requires two configurations, a Source configuration and a Target configuration. Synchronization takes place using the forms databases in the two configurations:

  • The Source forms database contains upgrades from the vendor. During synchronization, the upgrades are copied from the Source to the Target forms database. The Source database is used only during synchronization and does not figure subsequently in a production or development environment. Typically, the Source database is a new forms database supplied by the vendor or a copy of your current forms database to which you have applied the vendor's upgrade.
  • The Target forms database is a copy of your current forms database that contains your customizations. During synchronization, the Target database receives upgrades from the Source database. The end result of the synchronization process is a Target forms database that contains upgrades merged with your customizations.

    To create a Target database, first back up your current forms database and then restore a copy of it. After synchronization, this Target database serves as your new production forms database.  

For details on creating Source and Target configurations, see the upgrade documentation from your vendor.

Select Source and Target configurations according to the type of task you want to perform.

Note:  In a configuration, local is an invalid server name. You must use the name of the SQL Server instance on the local machine.

Use this table to help you decide how to select the proper configurations.

To do this... For the Source, select... For the Target, select...
Synchronize custom objects with new Vendor versions of the objects. A configuration that includes a forms database and application database that contain new Vendor versions of objects. A configuration that includes a forms database and an application database that contain your customized objects. Customized objects can be of the scope types Site, Group, or User.
Synchronize custom objects with other custom objects that serve as base versions. A configuration that includes a forms database containing custom objects that you want to use as base versions. A configuration that includes a forms database containing custom objects that you want to synchronize with the base versions.
Note:  If the Source and Target forms databases reside on different servers, the server that contains the Source forms database must be defined as a linked server in the server that contains the Target forms database. For instructions to configure linked servers, see the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.
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