Use these steps to include a task that runs in the background on a
The application runs reports as background tasks that are placed on a
"queue" to be run in order. You can also set up other tasks to run in the
background. The TaskMan service polls the list of Active Background Tasks and
executes any new task that is posted to the queue with a status of READY.
For more information about TaskMan, see the
Infor Mongoose Administration Guide
Creating and Customizing Reports.
To set up the form where you want the background task to run:
Add a component called
BackgroundQueue of type ObjMenuItem to the
form. On the
Behavior tab, add
RunBackgroundQueue as the primary event.
Create a
event of type
Run Form As Modal Child. The parameters
for the event should be as shown in this example, where
GenerateReport is the name of the form's
Run Background Task
BackgroundQueue( SETVARVALUES(BGTaskName=V(BGTaskName),
RunTaskEvent=GenerateReport) )
Add parameters to the end of the parameter string for the Run
Background Task event that submits the task:
Use these keywords and parameters:
- TASKSTATUS is an optional input parameter to BGTaskSubmit.
If the TASKSTATUS keyword is omitted, or if its value is anything other than
WAITING, the task will be inserted into the ActiveBGTasks table with status
READY and will be run by TaskMan. If TASKSTATUS is set to WAITING, the task
will be entered in the ActiveBGTasks table with status WAITING. TaskMan ignores
any records in this table with status other than READY or RUNNING.
- TASKNUMBER is an optional keyword used to specify a
variable name that will hold the TaskNumber generated when a record is inserted
into the ActiveBGTasks table.
- You can include substitution keywords that are replaced by
appropriate values after the task is submitted to TaskMan.
To create a background task:
Create a new record on the
Background Task Definitions form.
Specify a task name, for example,
RunCustomerOrderReport, and a description.
Specify an executable name:
- For a report, specify the name of the report (for example,
CustomerOrder) in the first
"executable" field and the type of executable (RPT) in
the second field. The report definition (.RPT file) for
this report must be placed in the TaskMan\Reports folder on the server where
TaskMan and a report generating module are installed.
- For a stored procedure, specify the procedure name in the
first field and select
SP in the second field.
- For an executable program, specify the program name and
path (for example,
c:\Infor\myprog) in the first field
and select
EXE in the second field.
Either specify the complete path or use a path relative to
the directory containing TaskMan on the server. For example, if you have an
executable program called MyProg.exe that resides in mydirectory/mysubdirectory
under the Infor TaskMan directory, you specify
If you want TaskMan to handle the executable's connections
to a database, the database must be identified to TaskMan through the TaskMan
Configuration utility, and the executable must use the
B~ substitution keywords to connect.
Otherwise, it is up to the executable to handle all database connections.
- For an IDO method, specify the method name (in the format
IDO.Method - for example,
MyProgID.SLSites.MyTestMethod) in the
Executable Name
field and select
IDOMTH in the Executable Type field.
For the task parameters, pass a comma-separated list of
parameters that match the IDO method's parameters. You can either pass bare
values (for example,
"MyParameter1,MyParameter2") or use
~LIT~ syntax if white space is significant (for example,
" MyParameter1,MyParameter2 ").
When processing tasks of type IDOMTH, TaskMan requires a
configuration with the same name as the site name. On the computer where
TaskMan is running (typically the utility server), you must create a
configuration where the configuration name matches the database site name, if
one doesn't already exist.
Click the buttons on the form to specify any report options or
excluded tasks.
Save the record.
Call your new background task as an event handler from the form.
You can see which tasks are currently running by opening the
Active Background Tasks form.
After TaskMan has completed the task, even if it fails, you can view
details about its execution on the
Background Task History form. Details include:
- Task description
- Return status
- User who submitted the task
- Messages triggered by the task