Adding a NotebookTab component

  1. Open the form that has the Notebook component that you want to add notebook tabs to, and go into Design Mode.
  2. Select the Notebook component and, in its upper left corner, click the Edit notebook tab(s) button.
    Note:  If this is a new Notebook component, there should already be two notebook tabs automatically. You should rename and configure these before creating additional notebook tabs.
  3. In the Edit Contained Components dialog box, click Add (near the bottom of the dialog box).
  4. Configure the new tab with the components and data binding as needed.

    At the least, we recommend that you rename any new tabs to reflect their intended purpose. For example, if you are creating/adding a tab to contain the fields related to a customer's identification information, you might name the tab customerIDtab in the Component property sheet Name field.

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