Understanding form standard events

Note:  This topic presents information about the WinStudio form event model, as opposed to the Application Event system. The primary difference between the two is that form events are operational only within a single form, whereas application events can be used application-wide.

WinStudio generates and handles many standard events as the user interacts with forms and components. The triggering of one standard event often involves a chain of standard events that all execute in sequence. This is why it is often most advantageous to use standard events whenever possible, rather than creating custom events (for which you must create your own chain/sequence of event handlers).

For example, when the user navigates to a different object using the Next operation, the following events are generated in the order listed below.

  • StdFormNext
  • StdFormGetBoundValues
  • StdFormPerformValidations
  • StdFormValidationsCompleted
  • StdObjectNext
  • StdObjectSelectCurrent
  • StdObjectSelectCurrentCompleted
  • StdObjectNextCompleted
  • StdFormLoadBoundValues
  • StdFormLoadDerivedValues
  • StdFormNextCompleted
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