Creating a scalar collection

To create a scalar collection in the XML to IDO Wizard, you must have the wizard open to the first page and an XML document already selected and parsed.

  1. In the Collection Type group box, select the Scalars option.
  2. In the wizard toolbar, click the Add Scalar Collection button.
  3. The wizard adds a Scalar line in the edit field and assigns it a default name (for example, ScalarCollection1).
  4. In the XML parser window (where the XML code is displayed), locate and double-click the XML node that you want to use as the basis for creating the scalar property.

    This must be an element that contains a value. In other words, it cannot be a parent node or element.

    The wizard displays the specified XML element in the edit window. Notice that the field to the right of the name field displays the xpath for the specified element. You can edit this xpath by double-clicking in the field.

    The added property contains any schema information, if it is available. If none is available, the default data type chosen is a String value (nvarchar with 30 characters length) in the SQL database.

  5. Optionally, to specify a scalar property element as a key field, click the key icon to the right of that property element.

    This defines the property as a primary key in SQL and is considered a required property in the IDO.

When you are finished creating the scalar collection specifications, either:

  • Create and additional collections you might want.
  • To continue with the wizard, click Next.
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