Differences Between the Smart and Web Clients

Web clients do not support some of the diagnostics tools available in the smart client.

In addition, other limitations that web clients have, compared with the smart client, include these:

  • Several forms are currently not supported in the web clients:
    • The Web Browser form
    • The Replication Document Inbox form
    • The Replication Document Outbox form
  • Browse buttons are disabled on forms that have them.

    On the License Management form, for example, you cannot browse to a license file; you must access the license file outside of the application environment and then copy and paste the contents of that file into the License Document field.

  • The web clients do not support the "auto-insert" (*) row in grids.
  • The web clients do not support the use of the response types Execute Exe, Goto Explorer Folder, or RunExe for form event handlers. Other response types are supported.
  • The web clients do not support all the options under User Preferences that are available to the smart client. See Setting User Preferences in the WinStudio Client and Setting User Preferences in a Web Client
  • Double-clicking and right-clicking are not supported in mobile forms, that is, forms that use a .mobi extension.
  • Tap-and-hold in mobile browsers is treated as a right-click.
  • The right-click menu in web clients does not include Cut, Copy, or Paste options.
  • These options on the Form menu are not available in the web client:
    • Page setup
    • Print preview
    • Print
    • Export to File
    • Workspaces
  • The Explorer displays and works slightly differently in the two clients.
  • The View menu in the web client does not include these options (that are present in the smart client):
    • Diagnostics
    • Activate Next Collection
    • Home Cursor
    • Warnings
  • Several other options on the View menu have slightly different labels in the two clients but function essentially the same.
  • There is no Window menu or status bar in the web clients.
  • The web client overrides browser settings when displaying "in-application" values such as currency values and date/time settings. The values displayed use the locale settings as specified.
  • The Timer response type for form events behaves a little differently in the two clients: In the web client, the minimum valid value for the Timer is 5 seconds, as opposed to the one-second minimum for the smart client. Also, in the web client, the Timer response type works only if the form has the focus, as opposed to simply being active, as in the smart client.
  • If you set the User Preferences default Language to something other than US English, in the web client, you must make sure that that language is actually installed on the system. If you do not, the system generates 404 "Help not found" error messages for any requests for the help.
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