Form Sync, Merge Options

Use this page of the form to specify which form and form component attributes are to be merged during synchronization. This page of the Form Sync form allows you to be very specific about what should (and should not) be updated.

This form has six buttons other than the OK and Cancel buttons:

Select All: This button appears in two places; in the Attributes section and in the Prompts section. Click the appropriate Select All button to select all attributes or prompts.

Deselect All: This button appears in two places; in the Attributes section and in the Prompts section. Click the appropriate Deselect All button to select all attributes or prompts.

Current Tab: Click this button to restore default settings on the current tab of the Merge Options form.

All Tabs: Click this button to restore default settings to all the tabs on the Merge Options form.

This form has three tabs:

Tab Description/Comments
Matching Components These options specify what Form Sync is to do with specific attributes in cases where there are matching components in the Source and Target configurations.

During synchronization, Form Sync checks the selected attributes for each component. For any attribute that is not selected, Form Sync ignores that attribute during synchronization and automatically keeps any customizations.

The Prompt option for each attribute is enabled only if that attribute option is selected. This option determines what Form Sync is to do in situations where differences exist. If the Prompt option is:

  • Selected, then Form Sync prompts you as to whether you want to keep each customization.
  • Cleared, the Form Sync does not prompt you and automatically keeps the customization.
Non-matching Components These options specify what Form Sync is to do when it finds form components that exist in the Target configuration but not the Source configuration.
  • Keep components: Tells Form Sync to keep the non-matching component in the Target configuration.
  • Remove components: Tells Form Sync to remove the non-matching component from the Target configuration.
  • Prompt before removal: Enabled only if the Remove components option is selected. This option tells Form Sync to ask before removing a non-matching component. This allows you to select which non-matching components are removed from the Target configuration and which are not.
Form Attributes These options specify what Form Sync is to do when it finds form-level attributes in cases where there are differences between the Source and Target forms.

During synchronization, Form Sync checks the selected attributes for each form. For any attribute that is not selected, Form Sync ignores that attribute during synchronization and automatically keeps any customizations.

The Prompt option for each attribute is enabled only if that attribute option is selected. This option determines what Form Sync is to do in situations where differences exist. If the Prompt option is:

  • Selected, then Form Sync prompts you as to whether you want to keep each customization.
  • Cleared, the Form Sync does not prompt you and automatically keeps the customization.

To revert all options to their default settings, perhaps so that you can start over, click Restore Defaults.

When you are done making your specifications, click Close Merge Options to return to the Form Sync main page.

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