Setting Advanced IDO Attributes (Primary Keys)

The advanced attributes of an IDO are its primary key properties, which reflect the primary key properties of the IDO's base table in the application database. The system automatically detects primary key properties except for IDOs based on a SQL view. The order of the IDO's primary key properties should match the order used in the application database table. This order determines the default sort order for the IDO (which may be overridden in the application or elsewhere).

To add or edit primary keys for an IDO:

  1. On the IDOs form, select the IDO you want.
  2. Click Check Out.
  3. Click Advanced Attributes.
  4. In the Advanced IDO Attributes form, the Primary Keys list indicates the primary keys detected by the system and their sort order. The IDO Properties list lists the properties of the IDO. Use these techniques to work with primary keys:
    • To add a property as a primary key, select the property you want in the IDO Properties list. Then click Add.
    • To set the sort order for the primary keys, select a primary key in the Primary Keys list. Then click Up or Down.
    • To remove a primary key, select the primary key in the Primary Keys list. Then click Remove.
  5. Click OK to save your changes.