About Source Control

You can use a source control system to allow multiple developers in the system the ability to customize and maintain forms without having to worry about overwriting one another's changes.

Mongoose now provides support for multiple source control options:

  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
  • Microsoft Team Foundation Server
  • Apache Subversion

If you plan to use any of these source control systems to manage changes to forms and other system components, you must take these steps:

  • Obtain, install, and configure the source control software.
  • Use the Configuration Manager to configure the source control software to work with your system. For more information, see the Installation Guide and the online help for the Configuration Manager.
  • On the Users form, Source Control tab, configure the user profile for each system user who is authorized to check forms and other components in and out.
Note: This is a change from some previous versions, where Mongoose itself was configured to use the source control system, and not individual users.
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