Defining Application Schema Metadata

After you create a custom table or a custom column on a standard table, define any needed metadata:

  1. Use the Application Schema Modules Metadata form to define any custom modules.
  2. Use the Application Schema Tables Metadata form to perform these actions:
    • Assign custom tables to the appropriate module.
    • For backward compatibility with existing multi-site tables, assign a view name. The view name should match the former table name. For example, a table formerly named item which is now item_mst would have a view named item. Specify a column name that contains the site value. The combination of view name and site value is used to create a view over the table.
    • Specify information about insert and update triggers on the table.
    • When UETs are added to the currently selected table, specify any other tables to which the UETs should be applied.
  3. If a table has an AlphaKey (you want to generate Next Keys for a column in the specified table), use the Application Schema Columns Metadata form to define this.

If you later remove a custom table or column from the application database schema, you must also remove the corresponding row from the application schema metadata, if that row exists.

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