Setting Up SmartLink Search Preferences

If you enable SmartLink in the Microsoft Outlook Mongoose add-in, the add-in scans your incoming Outlook emails for certain search items (key words) that you define in Mongoose. When you open the email, if there is any text in the email that exactly matches a key word defined in your search preferences, SmartLink displays that text as a hyperlink. When you click the link, the related Mongoose form displays in a separate browser window so you can see the details about the key word.

Use the Search Preference List form to define what SmartLink will search for in the Mongoose database:

  • Where to look for matching email addresses. For example, you can tell it to search only for external email addresses found in the Customers form. Specify this with the Search Group field.

    For descriptions of the predefined search groups, see Search Group.

    The search for matching key words in an incoming email continues only if SmartLink finds a matching email address in the Search Group.

  • Where to look for key words that match text in the incoming email, for example an item name. Specify this with the Search Item Name field. Some search items are predefined. If you have the appropriate permissions, you can add more search items through the Search Items form.
  • What user the search preference applies to. This is defined by the User Name field.

You can set up multiple combinations of Search Group and Search Item. For example, you can have these options:

  • Search Group= CUSTOMER and Search Item Name = CustomerName
  • Search Group = CUSTOMER and Search Item Name = ItemName

You can view and update only search preferences that are assigned to your user name.

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