Creating a DataView report

DataView reports must be based on predefined DataViews. The DataView defined for report output is much like any other predefined DataView, but with a few specific requirements for the output.

To create a DataView report:

  1. Create a predefined DataView that contains all the data fields/columns you want to display on the report output.
    When creating the predefined DataView, make sure you include these specifications, in addition to whatever other specifications you want to make on the DataViews Setup form:
    • Select the specific IDO properties to include in the output.

      This is done by clicking the IDO Setup button on the General tab, and then by selecting the desired properties in the Properties section of the DataView IDO Setup form.

      You can also set additional IDO parameters using the DataView IDO Setup form.

    • Optionally, create input parameters for the DataView to use when creating the output display.
      Note: Although this is optional, we strongly recommend that you create input parameters, especially for the starting and ending values of ranges.

      This is done by selecting the Input Parameters tab on the DataViews Setup form, and then creating the necessary parameters. These input parameters require an IDO property name, an operator, and optionally, a description consisting of a string.

    • Optionally, set user permissions to determine who has the ability to access and generate the report.
      Note: Although this is optional, we strongly recommend that you set access permissions for the report. Otherwise, anybody has the ability to access and generate the report.

      This is done by selecting the User Permissions tab and then setting the individual user and/or the group permissions.

  2. Launch the DataView, and verify that the data you want is displayed correctly:
    1. In the DataView Results form, click Launch.
      If you created input parameters, the system displays DataView Input dialog boxes that prompt you for the parameters by which to filter the results. If you leave these prompt fields blank and click Next or Finish, the system returns all applicable data for each field.
    2. Optionally, in the DataView Results form, rearrange the layout, select what data to include, etc.
    3. When you have the report display set to your requirements, save the layout.
      Note: Although it is not required that you save a layout, we recommend that you do so. If you try to create a background task without a saved layout, it can cause problems later with report generation.
  3. Close the DataView Results form, return to the DataViews Setup form, and refresh it.
  4. Select the Layouts tab and verify that your layout displays in the list of layouts.
  5. Save and close the DataView Results form.
  6. To have the report generated automatically, according to a schedule, create a background task definition for it, using the Background Task Definitions form. At a minimum, specify these values:
    • For the Executable Name field, specify the DataView name and the name of the layout to use. Use this syntax:



      • DataViewName is the name of the DataView exactly as it appears on the DataViews and DataViews Setup forms.
      • LayoutName is the name of the layout you want the system to use when generating the report.
      • The two names are separated by a hyphen and no spaces.
    • For the Executable Type, specify RPT.
    • For the Report Type, specify DATAVIEW.
  7. Create the report criteria form.