Canceling Kanbans (Kanban Cancel)

Kanban Cancel is a transaction belonging to the Kanban Sub-Menu on the Warehouse Mobility icon based and list based menus. This transaction is used to cancel Kanban IDs to prevent requests of new IDs.

On the Kanban Sub-Menu:

  1. Select Kanban Cancel.
  2. In the Kanban ID field, scan the Kanban number. This information is displayed:
    • Kanban location
    • Item number
    • Number of Kanbans
  3. In the Cancel? field, specify whether you have scanned the correct Kanban to remove from use.

    If you select Yes, the Kanban status is changed to Canceled.

    If you select No, scan the correct Kanban number in the Kanban ID field.

  4. Select Process.
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