DataLength property (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface


Sets or returns a number indicating the greatest number of data (numerals or characters) that a component can have.

Get Syntax

integerVar = object.DataLength

  Part   Description
integerVar Required. A variable of type integer to hold the return value.
object Required. A reference to a form component object.

Set Syntax

object.DataLength = integer

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a form component object.
integer Required. An integer (or variable containing an integer value) that indicates the maximum number of data characters that the component can contain.


For the Get syntax, the return value is an integer that indicates the maximum number of characters that the designated component can have.


Sub Main()
   Dim oComponent As Integer
   oComponent = ThisForm.Components("LanguageDescGridCol").DataLength
   Application.ShowMessage("The Description field can have as many as " _
      & oComponent.ToString() & " characters.")
End Sub
Sub Main()
   ThisForm.Components("StringTableNameGridCol").DataLength = 10
End Sub