Configuring the Help URL

Configuring the help URL used to retrieve any help topic is a three-part process. Each segment of the help URL for any given topic is configured separately.

Configuring the base help URL

To configure the base help URL, the first segment of the URL:

  1. Open the Configuration Manager.
  2. From the Applications tab, select the application for which you want to set the base help URL.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select the Options tab.
  5. In the Help Server URL field, specify the base help URL, using this format:



    • AppServer is the DNS of the Application Server that hosts the application.
    • AppName is the name of the application.
  6. Click OK and exit the Configuration Manager.

Configuring the middle (language) segment

By default, the middle segment of the URL is configured automatically at installation time. Normally, you should not need to override the default setting, unless you have installed the help in a non-standard location or you want to configure the help for a different language.

To configure the middle segment of the help URL:

  1. Open the Language IDs form.
  2. Select the language for which you want to change the middle segment of the URL.

    For example, if you want to designate a location for the Dutch help files, you would select the Language ID (which is the same as the "culture" setting) for nl-NL.

  3. In the Override Middle Help URL field for the selected language, specify the name of the folder in which the help files are located.
    Note: The folder containing your help files must be located in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AppName\ directory path.

    If your help files are located in some subdirectory of that base path, you can specify the subdirectories in your override, by formatting the override like this: subfolder1\subfolder2\...\helpFolder

  4. To use this override then, you must also change the user's language preference, under User Preferences:
    1. From the View menu, select User Preferences.
    2. On the Runtime Behaviors tab, set the Language to the same language you specified for the override in the previous step.
    3. Click Apply.

Configuring the third (path/file) segment

The third segment of the help URL specifies the filename within the help folder and, optionally, a path to get there. For many topics, this is nothing more than an auto-generated filename similar to this: lsm1454147636124.html

However, in the case of context-sensitive help topics, this segment of the URL can be more involved, similar to this one: mergedProjects/core/forms/events/access_as.htm

This third segment of the URL can only be modified in Design Mode. But even then, it should not be modified unless you can also modify the help topic itself, so that they "agree".

In general, we recommend that you not modify this segment of the URL for any topic. But if you must, or if you want to add your own help topics, then use the guidelines as found in the Help Customization guide for your application.

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