Context menu items, naming conventions

The ampersand in the text dictates the mnemonic for your menu item. Make sure that this is unique for each item within the shortcut menu.

If you create menu items which generate the following events (all of which are generated in items in the standard menus), use the text shown here:

  •  "StdCurCompFind"   "&Find"
  •  "StdFormComponentHelp"  "&Help"
  •  "StdCurCompDetails"   "&Details"
  •  "StdCurCompAdd"   "&Add"
  •  "StdCurCompClipboardCopy"   "&Copy"
  •  "StdCurCompClipboardCut"   "&Cut"
  •  "StdCurCompClipboardPaste"   "&Paste"
  •  "StdCurCompClipboardPasteAppend"   "&Paste Rows Append"
  •  "StdCurCompClipboardPasteOverwrite"   "&Paste Rows Overwrite"
  •  "StdCurCompEditGridColumns"   "&Edit Grid Columns"