Scripting API for the diagram component

API Description
DiagramApplyStyleSheetAt Apply a specified style sheet for the specified shape.
DiagramGetSelectedShapeTagItem Return a tag item dictionary (name-value pairs) defined for the currently-selected shape.
DiagramShowShapeLibraryBrowser      Show the shape library browser.
DiagramHideShapeLibraryBrowser Hide the shape library browser.
DiagramAddShapeLibrary Add the specified shape library (for example, Flowchart Shape Library) into the library browser.
DiagramRemoveShapeLibrary Remove the specified shape library (for example, Flowchart Shape Library) from the library browser.
DiagramHideShape Hide a specified diagram shape. If the shape has connector(s), they are also hidden.
DiagramShowShape Show a hidden diagram shape. If the shape had connector(s) hidden, they become visible if both of their start/end points are visible.
DiagramUpdateIdoObjectProperty Update the specified IDO collection item property with the current diagram data (XML and/or binary).
DiagramLoadFromIdoObjectProperty      Load the diagram component from the specified IDO collection item property (XML and/or binary).
DiagramSaveToFile Save the current diagram into a file (XML and/or binary).
DiagramLoadFromFile Load the diagram from a file (XML and/or binary).