Running diagnostics in WinStudio
You can debug a form's operation by using the form in run mode, capturing information about its operation, and then analyzing the information.
To run diagnostics in this way, use this procedure:
- Select the types of
diagnostic information you want to capture:
- From the “” menu, select “”.
- Select the “Diagnostics” tab.
- In the “General” section, select “Enable”.
- Select the diagnostic message types that are appropriate to your debugging task.
- Close or minimize the “Settings” dialog box.
- Capture and view the
diagnostic information:
- From the “” menu, select “”.
- In Runtime Mode, perform the operations that you want to test.
- Examine the messages in the Diagnostics pane.
注意:In the Diagnostics pane, you can start and stop the collection of
messages, save messages to a file, clear the log, filter messages, and find
values in messages. See the help for the Diagnostics window.