In Inline List validators

If a component has an Inline list source, you can create an In Inline List validator that ensures that the value of the component matches one of the values of the inline list. In Inline List validators can also output any column of the matched list item to a variable, property, or component.

These parameters are supported for validator output:

Output Parameters Description
Output First Time Only The output is generated only the first time that the validator is fired after the collection was loaded, was saved, or became current. Use this parameter when you want to prevent subsequent executions of the validator from overwriting changes made to the target component by the user.
Output Immediate Only The output is generated only for immediate validations. Use this parameter when you do not want the validator to change a component at the time the collection is saved.
Mark Output Targets Validated This parameter prevents output target components from re-validating unless the user modifies the value of the component. When the validation requires a round trip to the server, use this parameter to improve performance.
Set Property / Variable / Component Output any column of the matched list item to a variable, property, or component. Specify the column number as the source and specify the variable, property, or component name as the target.
Error Message Optional. This parameter specifies the application error message to display if the validation fails.