About the toolbar in FormOnly mode
Some forms are designed to be opened in "FormOnly mode," that is, they are forms designed to be viewed and used without standard toolbars or menu bars. Mobile forms are good examples of this type of form. Typically, this means that, if a toolbar is used, it has fewer options than most standard forms.
The FormOnly mode toolbar display
Settings for Form-Only mode toolbars are made at the form level. The primary control that determines whether the toolbar displays at all, and if so where, is the “DisplayMobileToolbar” form variable. This variable has four options:
- “top” causes the toolbar to display only at the top of the form.
- “bottom” causes the toolbar to display only at the bottom of the form.
- “both” causes the toolbar to display both at the top and the bottom of the form.
- “neither” (default) causes the toolbar to not display at all.
Displaying buttons
To display on the toolbar, buttons must be set individually. This must be done in Design Mode, using the “Collections” tab of the “Form” properties sheet. There, the “Standard Operations” options are used to select which buttons to display.
Only those buttons set to “True” display when the toolbar is displayed. Available buttons include these:
- “” allows you to filter the results for desired records.
- “” creates a record or copies an existing record.
- “” saves whatever changes have been made to records.
- “” marks the selected record for deletion.
Displaying record counts
You can also display a count of records returned as part of the toolbar display for a form-only mode display. This record count display includes both the number of the current record being displayed and the number of total records returned; for example: “5 of 38”
This record count display is controlled by the DisplayMobileCount form variable. When this variable is set to “True”, the record count is displayed, right-justified in the toolbar.
Creating a custom toolbar option
You can also create a custom toolbar option that allows your toolbar button to appear just to the right of any standard operation buttons that are displayed on the toolbar.