Tips about using Design Mode controls

You can adjust the view, size, and position of the various control windows used in Design Mode.

The behavior described here applies to the Form, Component, and Object property sheets as well as to the Toolbox and Object Viewer.

Overlapping control windows

When in view, the Toolbox and Object Viewer share the same space on the left side of the main workspace area. Only one of them can be viewed at a time.

Likewise, all three property sheets, Form, Component, and Object share the same space on the right side.

The method of selecting the control window to view depends on whether the control window that they share is pinned or unpinned. For details, see the section on pinning/unpinning controls.

Docking/Undocking control windows

A docked control window is one that is fixed in a particular location within the main workspace. An undocked, or "floating" control window is one that is unattached and can be moved freely within the main workspace.

To dock or undock a control window, double-click in the title bar for that control window.

When control windows are docked, the Object Viewer and Toolbox are located on the left side of the WinStudio main workspace area. The Form, Component, and Object property sheets are located on the right side.

When control windows are undocked ("floating"), you can:

  • Move the control windows anywhere inside the WinStudio main workspace. This includes placing control windows behind other windows.
  • Change their size.
  • Minimize them. When minimized, control windows display a shortened title bar at the bottom of the workspace, much like regular minimized windows.

Pinning/Unpinning controls

When a control is pinned, that control is always in display mode within a fixed space in the main workspace. When a control is unpinned, the control window slides in and out of view, depending on where the focus is. Control windows can only be pinned or unpinned when docked (see previous section).

To pin or unpin control windows, click the push-pin icon.
