About Failure Codes

Failure codes are used on the QC Test Results Entry form and describe different types of information.

Failure codes can be used to describe these types of information:

  • Failure of a part/product. Examples: Missing parts, scratched, poor fit
  • Failure of the process. Examples: Machine Error, Process Error, Missing documentation.

The use of failure codes is determined by the QC General Parameters settings. If the failure codes are not checked, you can enter any value for a failure code; there is no checking for consistency in spelling, coding, and so on. Because there is no description for a failure code added on the fly, any reports or forms showing those entries show only the code. If the failure codes are checked, the value must be in the failure codes form before a code is used, and forms and reports display the code and its description.

More than one failure code can be assigned to an inspection. For example, a unit can be SCRATCHED and MISSING PARTS and MISSING DOCUMENTATION.

These are the Ref Types to use with failure codes:

  • P: QC supplier for purchased/inventory items
  • J: QC In process for manufactured items
  • O: QC customer for customer order items
  • R: QC customer for customer RMA items
  • E: QC Enterprise